Psalm Sing
Music for this month's Psalm Sing is found below. Psalm Sings are held on the first Friday of each month to practice music for the upcoming weeks.
The Lord's Prayer Stone, Cantus Christi (2002)
Cantus Christi
Psalm 125 Contemplation, 074 Saintly Praises
Saintly Praises
O Let My Name Engraven Stand, 380 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
Psalm 1 Blest Now the Man Who Does Not Walk, 002 Cantus Christi
Psalm 54 Aston, 026 Saintly Praises
Saintly Praises
Psalm 122 O, ’Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear, 235 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
Psalm 124 Let Israel Now Say in Thankfulness, 239 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
Now Thank We All Our God, 681 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi