what to expect

Each Sunday, we gather to renew our relationship with God and with one another.  We are committed to worship which is Biblical, God-Centered, historically informed.  In our liturgy, we strive for serious and vigorous participation from the people of God.  This page will tell you a little bit about what to expect when you visit on a Sunday morning.

Covenant Renewal Worship

We call our regular Sunday morning church service “Covenant Renewal Worship.”  The service has five parts:

Call to Worship

The pastor invites us to “ascend to the heavenly city,” reads a Psalm, and then we sing a hymn.


We kneel and read a confessional prayer, with a time for personal (silent) confession.  We are reminded that our sins are forgiven and we sing another hymn.


We hear the scripture readings for the day (from the revised common lectionary) and we sing the Psalm readings.  We recite the weekly collect and a creed and sing the Gloria Patri. Then we hear a sermon, sometimes based on a certain sermon series, sometimes pulled from the lectionary.  After the sermon, we are led in corporate prayer, concluding with the singing of the Lord’s Prayer.  Finally, we offer our tithes and offerings to the Lord.


Our Eucharist begins with the reciting of the Sursum Corda, which reminds us that we are joining in worship with angels, archangels, and all the company of heaven!  We sing the Sanctus, and then take a moment to greet each other with a handshake saying , “The peace of Christ to you!” As we move into the time of the Eucharist, each row is excused to go to the rail to receive the elements.  We welcome any baptized Christian to the table.  During Communion, the congregation sings hymns.


We are charged with a commission and benediction and end the service with one final hymn - usually a boisterous and joyful tune!
Pastor Brandon explains Covenant Renewal Worship


We believe our children are included as covenant members of the congregation, and because of this we welcome them, and all their squirms and squeaks, in the church service, and at the Lord’s table (if they are baptized).  We usually have an activity page available for children which coincides with the lectionary readings.  Additionally, the service can be viewed from the lobby and nursing mother’s room to be used as needed.

Worship Guide

Each worshipper will receive a bulletin with the complete liturgy and all the hymns printed inside.  You'll see  fine art on the cover that ties in with the lectionary or sermon each week and the weekly announcements on the back.  You're welcome to take the bulletin home and review the music, the creeds, and the prayers to help with familiarity.