All saints church

Employment opportunities

Service Music Accompanist

Job description

All Saints Church CREC in New Holland, PA, is prayerfully seeking a Service Music Accompanist for weekly and seasonal services as well as other musical activities throughout the calendar year.  

All Saints is a growing congregation celebrating its 25th year with 50+ households in membership, consisting of over 250 people.  We recently moved into an existing historic church building with the goal of ownership that has a wonderful pipe organ and grand piano.  The organ is an exceptional Schantz full pipe organ.  

We are primarily looking for a musician who is able to come in and use these instruments to accompany the glorious praises of God's people during covenant renewal worship.  We also have a robust and growing adult and children’s choir program that would require accompaniment, as well as other special services through the church calendar year.  In light of the growth we are experiencing there is potential for the candidate to increase the scope and responsibilities of the position to include working with choirs and musical education as growth allows.  


The ideal candidate would be proficient in playing organ and piano in service music and choral accompaniment situations with commensurate training and experience required.  General knowledge and familiarity of historic protestant and reformed sacred music is also expected.  

The ideal candidate must also be able to serve at all services, seasonal services, choir rehearsals, summer music camp, psalm sings, and other activities as requested by the session of All Saints Church.  A background in choral music and music education is desired, but not required.

Hiring Process

Upon receiving and reviewing applications and resumes or CVs, the following process will take place:
  •  initial phone call/video call interview with the Director of Music and Choral Director
  • in-person interview with the pastoral staff and/or Session
  • the candidate would accompany a service at All Saints Church and/or accompany a choir piece
  • the final decision on employment would be determined by the Session and result in sending an offer of employment with specific scope and terms
  • We anticipate this process to last anywhere between 2-4 months from initial submission to first service.


Our church's organ is a magnificent instrument designed to offer a rich and versatile sound palette for worship and performance.

Key features include:
  • Great Organ (Exposed):
    • 8' principal, 8' rohrflute, 4' octave, 4' koppelflute, 2' super octave, 1.3' octave quint, IV mixture, 8' krummhorn, chimes (21 bells)
  • Swell Organ (Enclosed):
    • 16' gedecktbass, 8' gedeckt, 8' viole, 8' viole celeste, 4' spitzprincipal, 4' hohlflute, 2.66' nazard, 2' hohlflute, 1 3/5' tierce, III Plein Jeu, 8' trompette, 8' oboe, 4' clairon, tremulant
  • Pedal Organ:
    • 32' resultant, 18' bourdon, 16' gedectbass, 8' principal, 8' bourdon, 8' gedeckt, 4' choralbass, 4' bourdon, 2' octavin, 16' contre trompette, 8' trompette, 4' clarion
  • Couplers:
    • Great to Great 16', Great to Great Unison, Great to Great 4', Swell to Swell 16', Swell to Swell Unison, Swell to Swell 4', Swell to Great 16', Swell to Great 8', Swell to Great 4', Great to Pedal 8', Great to Pedal 4', Swell to Pedal 8', Swell to Pedal 4'

This organ features a wide range of stops, including principals, flutes, and reeds, providing a comprehensive range of timbres. The enclosed Swell division allows for dynamic expression, while the exposed Great division offers robust tonal support. The pedalboard includes substantial bass support with pipes up to 32'. The organist can utilize various couplers to blend sounds across divisions, enhancing the flexibility and richness of performances.