Prayer Guide

Instructions for Congregational Prayer

As the prayer time is introduced, please walk up the center aisle, and stand by the pulpit until your turn. Speak clearly and loudly into the microphone. Compose your prayer so that it is clear and effective, and no longer than 3 minutes (350 words). Conclude or punctuate your prayer with: "Lord in Your mercy,” congregational response, “Hear our prayers.”  Then return to your seat by the center aisle.

First Prayer: Broader Church, Local Church, Missions

  • Pray for the Church (broad church), missions,  the churches in your assigned CREC presbytery, as well as our own presbytery (Bucer).  Include prayer for the presiding minister of presbyteries and council.  View all churches in CREC Presbyteries.
    • Anselm  (G. Dennis)
    • Athanasius  (G. Dennis)
    • Augustine (B. Gilanyi)
    • Bucer (all)
    • Hus (K. Kanoff)
    • Knox (H. Suereth)
    • Kuyper (I. Huyard)
    • Tyndale (D. Graves)
    • Wycliff (D. Miller)
  • Select at least one local congregation and mention them by name.  

    • AVODA
    • DiscipleMakers
    • JEEP

  • Our mission church: White Stone Church of Christ

  • Pray for current and/or former ministerial students
    • Gene Cockerham, Rev. Brandon Gilanyi, and Herb Suereth, serving at All Saints Church
    • Rev. Lucas Dorminy serving at Trinity Reformed Church CREC (Martinsburg, WV) 
    • Rev. Jon Herr at Christ Covenant Church CREC (Chicago IL)
    • Rev. Jared McNabb at Christ Church CREC (Morgantown, WV)
    • Rev. Ben Rossell serving at Trinity Presbyterian Church CREC (Valparaiso, FL)
    • Rev. Michael Shover serving at Christ the Redeemer Church CREC (Pella, IA)
    • Rev. Eddy Field serving at Holy Trinity Church CREC (Greenville, SC)

Second Prayer: Persecuted Christians, All Saints Church, and Needs

  • Pray for our nation and various conflicts, as well as persecuted Christians in the world. Pick one or two prayer requests from the CREC Standing in the Gap (persecuted church) list.

  • Pray for our congregational needs: See the Saintly Synopsis for specifics. Please include the following as you pray for All Saints needs:
    • “We pray for our neighbors, family members and coworkers that we need Christ and grant that we may be salt and light in their lives."

  •  For families and expectant mothers, please say, 
    • ”Thank you for the blessing of children in our congregation. As fellow households united together in love, help us to diligently and joyfully assist one another in the covenantal nurture of the next generation. Grant children to those who desire them. Be with our expectant mothers:......... Give healthy pregnancies, safe deliveries, and thriving babies. Lord in Your mercy..."

  • Pray for the leadership of All Saints Church.

  • Pray for the ministries of All Saints Church.