Event Submission Request - All Saints Church
As we consider the types of events that typically make their way onto our church calendar, there are two categories – Teaching and Social.
: Community centered in nature (showers, special meals, parties)
Didactic in nature (bible Studies, Psalm sings, book studies/clubs)
If you would like to announce or schedule an event or activity, please submit a request to the Session of All Saints Church by completing this form. Any event added to the church calendar (and announced on official All Saints Church platforms) will be done at the discretion of the Session. Please allow 2-4 weeks for a response to this form due to session meeting scheduling.
Streamlining how our events are planned and carried out will help us to better shepherd you and your family, as well as solve the problem of a cluttered calendar. Ultimately, our goal is to have a concise schedule that is slated with official All Saints Church events. We welcome and encourage the organization of unofficial, organic, and grass root activities.
First Name
Last Name
Name of Event
Who is the contact person for this event?
Date of Event
Is this event recurring? If yes, often will it occur and for how long?
Where will the event be held?
Is this event Social or Teaching?
Social: Community centered in nature (showers, special meals, parties)
Teaching: Didactic in nature (bible Studies, Psalm sings, book studies/clubs)
Other: Please describe
Is there any additional information you would like the session to know about this social event?
Is there any additional information you would like the session to know about this event?
Who is doing the leading and/or teaching?
What is the content, curriculum, or book for this event?
Is there any additional information you would like the session to know about this teaching event?